Tuesday, February 13, 2007

we went & looked at this house yesterday- fell madly in love with it. it is just out of reach. if i could quick get a great job with a salary that would afford primo in-our-home childcare, we'd be all over it. we'd finally get to talk seriously about bringing horses into the family! but... not yet.

i am still having creative issues with vday. i make matt cards every year, and this year... i'm stumped. this is the best i've got:

Matt used to be a race car driver- road racing. None of that nascar nonsense (he is a racing snob- i.e. nascar is dumb because they only turn left), he is an F1 man. His car was so cute- early model VW Scirocco, painted bright yellow. I never cared about cars or racing until he took me to see a vintage rally- now THAT was cool.

1 comment:

Festive Fibers said...

The house looks, drop dead amazing. You should get horses or at least board horses, so that brings you the extra income you need to [ay for that beauty.

I also love the stitching that you have....sooooo you!

And I love the speedster, I will photo my Valentine's plates I made for Tom and we are eating off of all day!

Can't wait to have another contributor, should mix up the fun!