Friday, February 16, 2007

'Conversations at the Kitchen Table'

Well, here is the wall hanging I have been working on. I think it looks great. But, boy did it take it's sweet time felting down to size. I used another fiber person's wool fober for the ground and the rate of shrinkage wasn't quite what mine was, so for a piece that was to finish 72 inches long (it started 90") it wouldn't go below 7' for the longest time. I had to call in Tom to the rescue! He slapped the felt silly and it shrunk to 6'4", do-able for the customer. Whew.

I have two more runners to do by the end of nextweek, fiber should arrive any second. The funny thing about the next two, is they are almost the same design, and almost the same colors.

Also, we had a Valentine's Day Blizzard. I love how our house and garden looks all covered in 18 inches of snow.

OH! and I keep forgetting to mention that I am trying accupuncture for my allergies. I go this morning for my 3rd session. Very interesting...very interesting.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Nic, I love the "slap that felt" expression. Such an image! Seeing pics of your house made me wishful for stopping by for a spot of tea and hanging out in your studio. Will you take a few pics of your studio to share? It is one of the greatest work spaces...