Monday, February 26, 2007

I need a coaster...

I drink a lot of coffee. Correction: I used to drink a lot of coffee. I have cut myself back to the 4-cup mark on my coffee pot a day. Not easy. Especially since Matt (husband) enforced a strict caffeine ban on me many months ago for my own good and the good of the one who was in utero. I hate it when he is right about something.

This recent reduction was done by me, for me. Better to savor the bit that I get. What I really love is the ritual- making it, smelling it brewing, pouring it into my favorite cup(s), walking upstairs with it... and promptly getting the inevitable dribbles all over me and my desk.

Actually, I hate the last part. I am in love with these coffee cups (begin, create are my favorites), but unfortunately the lip is a little wonky, and one always get drips down the side, no matter how carefully one sips. These drips are currently being caught by a kleenex 'coaster' on my desk. Not attractive. (I promise it isn't a used kleenex)

So I need a coaster. I am thinking about my undying love of muslin, but also feeling inspired by the ratty towel project I undertook for the february whiplash for whipup. I'm feeling guilty about the remains of that towel- since I started to recyle it, I should finish recycling it, right?

I think I want a round coaster, and the design will be all about the stains becoming the design.

but what i really need to be doing is working on spreadsheets for my tax man. yuck-o. thinking about this coaster issue has been a fantastic distraction from the task at hand!



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