Monday, February 12, 2007

Nicole's Post

So here's the wall hanging I am working on, this picture is unfelted, and it will shrink when finished. I love the colors and action. I am ready to wet and begin felting now. The piece is called Red X's, and I have done it now three times, all different sizes but all similar color palette. For some reason today it is reminding me of Chocolate!!!! Hmmmm wonder why?

Oh by the way Annie,
I just had someone from The Mission Mountains in Montana ask if I would consider do a workshop there? Maybe we can get a western mountain tour for this summer? OK, now I am thinking about it - more.

I'll post a photo of the piece finished!


Annie said...

if the mission place is near kalispell... that's far away.

Festive Fibers said...

It is 50 miles north of Missoula, 450 miles and looks to be about 7 hours drive from you. I wasn't thinking ONLY one location...I was thinking I could do a class at your art center and then another up there. Mostly I was just 'thinking' because you had just asked me if I would be considering classes with you and then this gal wrote. I am still not sure if I really want to do it, but am beginning to entertain the idea more seriously.