Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Mothers Day weekend everyone!

Today was my weekly art task for our church, I have told you before that I volunteered to do cover art for my church's weekly bulletin, so today, I was inspired by "Mother", rather than the normal route I take. (which is read the coming Sunday's scriptures and do something accordingly) I love Native American Storytellers.

Tom gave me one for a special day, along with a book about their history, recent - started in the 50's, but the image is just engaging, and resonates with my feelings about motherhood, (I am not one, except to our bunny girl, but know many mothers intimately!) Mother Earth, the universe and God. So I did an illustration that was my interpretation of these potteries.

Isn't she cute and happy?

I also met my girlfriend's and our blog's challenge and painted today. I painted the trillium flower from my wooded hill right up behind my studio, in a watercolor, and e-mailed it to Annie for her to use as the banner. For a 30 minute nature study intensive, I think it turned out pretty good, though (if you must know) I intentionally ignored the stamen and pistol parts!

Have a great weekend all


Annie said...

hooray for the new banner! thanks nic! and yes- that is a very happy mama :) Give Babette a smooch for me, please...

Eva said...

Gorgeous banner! I love those deep colors - so different of all "bubblegum" banners, I`ve seen!