Thursday, March 22, 2007

Needles Schmeedles

Where the heck have I been!? Sick. So sick.
I'm working on a card order right now for a fancy chocolate store here in Vancouver, Chocolate Arts. Getting ready for a trip to San Francisco, can you say Britex Building! That place is so cool. My favorite is the 3rd floor - all those buttons! You can buy lunch in a fancy hotel for the cost of just one button at Britex. You can also find a bag of buttons for the quarter you found on the street on the way there. Something for everyone. Too much for me, I go into debt just thinking about it.
Ok, so the traveling book. I will admit now that I got the idea from this guy. He wrote that super cute book called Lost and Found. Anyhoo, navigate yourself around and you'll see the collaborative book he did with four artists. Go to Exhibitions, then click on Book. The urls are funky so I can't provide direct links.
First email me (info@artistgirlfridaydotcom) to let me know who's in for sure. We'll exchange information and I'll get the books. My idea is to get one book for each participant, so we can all have one when the day is done; no fighting over who gets to keep the darn thing. More details later but in a nutshell, everyone contributes to each book, although each book will be different, in theory, it might be nice to do similar things to each book, so they're all roughly the same, and we all come away with a similar product.
And the needle drawing. I knew the word needle would come back to haunt me...I'm not naming any names. I can't find it anywhere. Those darn needles. This week: a banner and a needle drawing. Maybe they're the same thing.