Monday, August 20, 2007

No sketching going on here at the moment...

Hi everyone,
boy summer sure has taken over our lives it looks like! (This is what I imagine is going on in our fantasies!!!) By the way the stout floater on the left is me with my cutie new hair cut, and I am so on the verge of dyeing my whites away and going dark red and funky...

My August is F.U.L.L and it is half over. I taught a 3 day workshop last week called a "Split Personality" workshop some gals made a Rug and some made ottomans. They were all outstanding! I had two gals from Australia, one from Florida, Georgia, Boston and Surry, NH right down the road! As I geared up for that I am also getting ready for a week long felting 'symposium' called Felters Fling which I am one teacher of many. There are over 50 people coming in from all over the world and I teach two tracks, one is Color and Design for Interiors the other is designing and making an ottoman. 18 students in all. I am especially excited about the Color and Design class as it is 2/3rds theory and 1/3rd felt making. As I get my teaching items together for the C&D class I am thinking this could make a really good book.

I buzzed down to NYC the other day to see the NY Home Textiles Show (in conjunction with the NY Gift Show) to see if it would be an outlet for NCD Designs, (Not until I have product) am also gearing up to go walk the HD Boutique show in Miami in September and see if this is a better suited market for my new business...I know it is, and I should get a clearer picture in my mind as how best to present my new company's services. I am also realizing that I need to show at the Licensing Show come next June in NY. *** Anyone want to share a booth with me?
OK I also know it is back to school time with a lot of kiddies so I hope your last week (or week and a half) is productive and school routines are set again as we step into Fall. I love Fall...brisk, cool sweater weather....mmmmm
Check in soon, I miss you all

1 comment:

Eva said...

Ohh, so I`m not the only one, who has no time at all!!!!!!!!
I like your sketch and boy, how I wish, I could sneak into that picture!!!!!!!!!